Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Houseplant Killer

I don't do well with houseplants. I love them but no matter what I do, they just don't last. Anyone know what I mean? I grew up in North Dakota, so we had gardens every summer. I even married a farmer. But to my dismay I could only grow a few veggies. My corn was always dwarf sized. Now I live in Arizona and I have tried multiple times to grow a garden but with no success. I definitely don't have a green thumb. 

 There is a bright side to my plant growing deficiency. I can grow flowers. These photos are of the rose bushes in my yard. They have so many flowers on them it is breathtaking. I do nothing but water them. That's it!

 I am not sure how I do it but by the grace of God, because He knows how much I love flowers. The many different colors just amaze me.

Yes, I do kill a flower now and then, but for the most part I am a success with them.  How are you with plants? Do you have a green thumb? Or is your thumb just a normal color like mine? Lol

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