1. Give yourself a mini makeover. I don't know what your routine is for washing your face and putting on your makeup (girls). By the way, this can go for guys too, the face washing part. hehe Anyway, take a little extra time before your session to wash your face and moisturize it. Girls, when you put on your makeup, take extra time to make sure your foundation and concealer are blended in well, and that there are no sharp lines in your blush or eye shadow. Do Not try a new makeup trick. Save that for another day.

2. Focus on what you like about yourself. If you go into the session with confidence, it shows. Don't concentrate on those freckles you don't like or that you think your nose is too big. Only surgery can change those things, and chances are you will find something else you don't like after fixing the current ones. Plus, you don't have time for that. Look in the mirror, smile, and appreciate what God gave you. He doesn't make mistakes. =)
3. Don't face the camera head on. What does that mean? That means, turn your body to one side or another even a little bit. Having your body face the camera head on does add that dreaded 10 pounds we hear about and often see in our photos. Angling your body makes you look thinner and most of us would love that.
So, there you have it, a few tips to take with you before your photo session and hopefully you won't dread it quite as much.
Happy Clicking!!!
Remembrance Photography by Terri
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