Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Fill In the Blank

I am going to tell you a little about myself. I am going out there to reveal that as a kid I was a nerd. I was bullied and grew up not liking who looked back at me in the mirror. I spent many years trying to like myself. I tried to convince myself, I saw a therapist, and I cried many tears because I just never seemed to match up to everyone else. Self esteem is a subject that is dear to my heart. How do I feel today? I love myself in a healthy way. I have a confidence I never thought I could ever have. How did I finally reach this coveted place in my life? Honestly, it was my faith and my age. I grew up and realized what others thought was really not that important. Oh, don't get me wrong, I do have my moments. I am female after all. We have times where that outfit makes us feel fat or our hair just won't work right. This is normal. What is abnormal is when you change clothes 6 different times and end up sitting on the floor crying because you feel like you can't actually go out in public looking like you do. I am sorry if this is you. I have been there and it is not a good place. 

I challenge you to share with me something about you. Fill in the blank.

If I could change 1 thing about myself it would be___________.

I will start. I would change my stomach. I have given birth 4 times and it shows. hehe. I have always wanted a flat stomach and despite the thousands of sit ups I have done over the years, it still is anything but flat. Now you. Ready? Set? Go!!!!

Remembrance Photography by Terri

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