Friday, July 14, 2017

Foto Tip Friday!

Today's tip is about lens hoods. I see people leaving a lens hood on at all times, but is this really necessary? What is a lens hood used for anyway?

Here is your answer. A lens hood helps keep out glare from the sun or other lighting. Have you taken a photo and the glare from the sun left the photo very hazy? That is what the hood is for. Just like when we cup our hands over our eyes to block the sun, the lens hood does this for the lens. If you don't have a lens hood you can actually use your hand to block the bright light. 

The lens hood is sometimes also used to protect the lens. So, that is why some people keep it on all the time. 

Try it next time you are taking photos outside. Either a hood or your hand and see the difference. 

Happy Clicking!!

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