The morning would be spent slowly with a cup of coffee in hand. I made a list of the cleaning I wanted to get done with the kids help. I also planned to spend a couple hours each day studying photography tips and know how. So, did I accomplish these things?

than they did start slow. My kids and I spent a few days deep cleaning the kitchen, living room, and bedrooms. They were such troopers and I am so thankful for their help. As far as the studying, well I did some but did not reach my goal of 2 hours a day. I guess I anticipated more hours in the day than what was reality. Lol
days, because they are few and far between in our house. We also took a couple days and spent them at our time share in Phoenix. We enjoyed the pool and hot tub, went out to eat, to a movie and out for ice cream. We even did a little shopping.

We also had our former foster daughter, Saraphina, here with her boyfriend. She is our daughter. We have eliminated the foster part. She is as much a part of our family as the rest of our children and it was a blessing to have her here. We had a sweet day!
And finally we rang in the new year with just our family, minus Ashley and Saraphina, but it was a sweet evening as well.
As I look back over this winter break, it was a bit different than how I had pictured it but it was so sweet in its own way. I don't do new years resolutions, but I do want to change something this year. My perspective! Instead of dreaming up in my mind how a break, vacation, or other upcoming event should play out, I want to give it to God and wait and see what gifts and treasures of sweet moments He had dreamed up for me.
So, Happy New Year to all who read this. I hope your holiday season was one filled with fond memories. I know mine was!!!
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