But, once I got out on my own, I came up with a list or way of doing almost everything. I wrote to do lists everyday. Each day a different area of my home got cleaned. (I still do that...hehe) Monday is living room, Tuesday is Kitchen, Wednesday is bedroom, Thursday is bathroom, Friday is touch ups. My kids chores are based on this system as well. It works and I love it!
Then, I started organizing my meals. Monday I made something with hamburger, Tuesday with chicken, and so on. I carried many of my mom's cooking traditions into my own family as well. Sunday is pizza and movie night, Wednesday is waffle Wednesday, etc.
After my kids got older I discovered menu planning. I still do this today. It sure helps with the stress of
wondering what to make each night. I now have a printable grocery list which has my staple items already on it. I have a list of meal ideas that I go to when planning my week and if nothing sounds good, I go to my recipe books to find new ideas.
I like routine. It has made life easier in many ways. But......there are times my hubby has not liked my organized ways. I admit if I don't get my chores done for the day, I can get a little cranky. I feel it puts me behind for the next day and the chores assigned to that day. He often wonders why I think something needs cleaning when he feels it looks just fine the way it is. Not me!
Well, this past week forced me to put my cleaning list and other routines away. I ended up in the ER with a blood pressure that was way too high. (Ok, so maybe my organization skills were not making life easier) I was forced to sit. Being up on my feet for too long started raising my BP higher and higher. My daily routine
was not getting done. The kids were doing their chores and my hubby was making the meals so everyone was fed, but my bathroom and bedroom were showing signs of a list not being tended to. Ugh! You would think my BP went higher because of this, but no. This was exactly what I needed. Usually I was running around like a robot doing what was put into my computerized brain to do. Everyday, the same thing. I needed this break in my routine to shake me up and show me that I needed to take some time away from the lists once in awhile.
In a way, I feel recharged. My bathroom may not be cleaned to my specifications, but it still works for the purpose it was created. Same with my bedroom.
Does this mean I will not clean anymore? Definitely not!!! Hehe. But I think I will take some time once in a while to let it go. I will sit and enjoy a day off from my routine! My house will still function just fine......maybe even better and more peacefully. So, if you like routine like I do, pick a date to sit and relax and let the list remain unchecked. Ask others to help once in awhile so you don't feel like you are falling behind. Allow yourself some down time. I see that I really needed it. My body is telling me I really needed it. I don't regret a minute of it either!